Consultancy & Implementation

Advisory and implementation of afforestation activities on various types of land, respecting native species and enhancing biodiversity. 

  1. We mainly engage in the process of replacing spruce plantations with broad leaved biodiversity forests and the creation of wildlife micro-habitats, as a part of the reforestation.
  2. We also engage in tree planting on agricultural land, on lawns and grasslands as multi-functional wind breaks, wildlife corridors and buffer zones.
  3. We currently explore the potentials of the Miyawaki afforestation method: dense planting of a huge variety of native species to create a fast growing biodiversity hotspot, to attract birds and insects and encourage the dispersal of these species to the surrounding land.
  4. Our goal is to fortifying genetic diversity in the landscape and natural vegetation with plantings characterized by a wide palette of species and a broad genetic pool in plant individuals sourced locally. We are now focusing on how to achieve this.

  • We focus on customers for a long term commitment; trees ought to remain in place for 40 years, in some cases 25 years. 
  • We use native tree societies for a Baltic/Northern Europe context.
  • We guide our costumers in order to achieve functionality as fast as possible.

Consultant network: We are part of organizing the Unhide Agroforestry project in 2024 with support from Erasmus+. The aim of the project is to educate specialists in order to promote the creation of a network of agroforestry consultants and regional demonstration farms, thus supporting the wider implementation of agroforestry practices in Sweden and Latvia.